We bring you a quick overview of sightings enjoyed by our guests (as well as our rangers and trackers) over the month of May. Heading in to winter, the bush clears and animals are (clearly) easier to spot. It’s a great time to head out on safari, with a more moderate climate. Day time temperatures are warm and sunny, and although the temperatures dip considerably at night, camp fires, red wine and hot water bottles add beautifully to the ambience.
There were 68 separate sightings of leopards in May!
We’ve broken them down for you below.
Xidulu – 7 sightings Cara – 2 sightings Tiyani – 1 sighting individually, and 6 with her cub Ndzutini – 7 sightings Sibuye – 3 sightings Shasha – 5 sightings Langa – 5 sightings Makhomsava – 4 sightings Kuchava – 2 sightings individually, and 2 with her cub Tlalamba – 4 sightings – all with her cub Maribye – 6 sightings Tavangumi – 1 sighting Tortoise pan – 9 sightings Unknown Male – 1 sighting Quarantine Male – 2 sightings Eyrefield Male – 1 sighting
Lions were also a regular fixture in May, with a total of 60 sightings. Sightings per pride included:
Torchwood Pride – 6 sightings Nkuhuma Pride – 18 sightings
Of noteworthy mention… The Nkuhuma pride started to hunt one afternoon and managed to catch a waterbuck. We were all lucky enough to be witness to the action from start to finish!
Talamati Pride – 15 sightings S8 Male – 6 sightings Avoca Males – 14 sightings Unknown Male – 1 sighting
What a month for the ‘painted wolf’! We had a total of 24 sightings in May.
An incredible sighting that stood out was of a pack of wild dogs killing an impala. While they were feeding, the Shasha male leopard ran in and stole the impala from the wild dogs.
18 individual sightings were enjoyed.
Were seen 43 times over the course of the month.
The true magic on safari is when we find something that is seen very rarely…
Over May, we were very fortunate to enjoy two sightings of the very rare PANGOLIN!