We bring you an overview of sightings enjoyed by our guests at Arathusa over the month of March. The change of season is upon us, and as we move from summer to autumn, the bush begins to thin out (making finding animals that much easier). The temperatures are also starting to drop – early mornings and evenings are getting colder, but the daytime temperatures are still sunny and warm (just one of the many reasons why Africa is ALWAYS an ideal destination to visit).
There were 82 separate sightings of leopard enjoyed by guests staying at Arathusa whilst on Safari over the course of March! For those who are familiar with the territorial leopards on the reserve, these sightings are broken down as follows:
XIDULU and her cubs Xidulu – 15 Xidulu and cub/s – 11
TIYANI and her cubs Tiyani – 4 Tiyani and cubs – 11
One of the most special of these sighting was of mom sharing an Impala kill with her youngsters.
Lions were also regular visitors, with a total of 49 sightings. Sightings per pride included:
Nkuhuma Pride – 20
Talamati Pride – 12
Torchwood pride – 2
Avoca Males – 15
Our favourite Avoca Males sightings included: • Sharing a buffalo kill with the Nkuhuma pride • 1 of the Avoca males sleeping next to the Arathusa dam for 24 hours • The 2 brothers killing a buffalo
WILD DOGS: 16 sightings
Special sightings to highlight included: • 10 wild dogs hunting directly in front of the lodge at the dam • 4 wild dogs at sunrise sleeping on our airstrip
CHEETAH: 1 (male) sighting
ELEPHANT: 45 sightings
BUFFALO: 10 sightings
Including a single sighting of approximately 400 buffalo!
African Wild Cat – 1 Honey Badger – 1
We will be featuring each of the territorial leopards and lion prides individually in blogs to come, so watch this space!
Wishing you a beautiful change of season, and we hope to share the magic of the Arathusa Safari with you soon!